About Wellbeing First
Information About Sharada
Sharada Rumi is of a Thai origin from a tiny remote village in northern Malaysia, now residing in Nubeena, Tasmania, Australia.
She has been very fortunate in life, to be intuitively guided; to meet people and go places that she needed to connect with. She grew up in that village exposed to many varied effective unconventional healing methods, such as herbs, chants, prayers, spiritual guides, fasting etc.
She was initiated into spiritual meditation at the age of 13. Surrounded and trained by ancient wisdom that was beyond modern comprehension, daily miraculous phenomena were accepted as a norm. A great grandfather who chopped down huge trees and dragged them home without mechanical help and who looked 30 at the age of 70 when he died.
She has a passionate lifelong quest for tools to reclaim an ancient power that maintains youthful bodies, opens the heart, stills the mind, heals on the deepest level and integrates the physical and spiritual self. Thus began her prophesized inspirational path to serving humanity and supporting spiritual growth.
Where It All Began
In year 2000 she found Thetahealing® . This modality uncovered the key to that ancient wisdom and then another cutting -edge modality; the Russian New Knowledge cell regeneration. RNK opens another aspect of healing and understanding that this body is made of energy that is eternal. Restoring youthfulness and maintaining health and wellbeing is an inborn skill that has been forgotten and needs to be remembered again.
With a background in nursing, Sharada also praises the healing affects of Vielight Products, hence the creation of Wellbeing First website.
Along with Tony, Sharada also runs Wellbeing Health Retreats where they share their experience, knowledge and skills of a healthy mind, body and spirit.Book Your Place at the Next Health Retreat.
Sharadas’ Certifications
- Nurse Practitioner
- MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Facilitator
- Graceful Healing Pathways Founder and Master Facilitator
- Theta Healing® Master and Certificate of Science
- Training and Assessment Certificate 4 (TAE40110)
- Reflections Facilitator
- Russian New Knowledge Facilitator
- Virtues Facilitator
- Massage Therapist
The Wellbeing Centre
Nubeena, Tas 7184